Own label in UK
Sukces kreowania własnej marki w UK Determinacja i wiedza doprowadziły nasze bohaterki do miejsca, gdzie są teraz i prezentują dumnie efekt swojej długoterminowej strategicznej pracy.
MSc MA Monika Bonnet – The Founder and Director
of Promed Aesthetic Clinic & Academy
Mum to two amazing boys.
Prior to my career in Aesthetic Medicine I was a qualified Psychoterapist.
My intrigue of human behaviour has established my passion of people.
I loved exploring human minds and understanding why we think and act the way we do. To this day I use my soft skills and a deep understanding of my patients psychology when consulting for any kind of aesthetic or cosmetic treatments. Enjoy this Summit 2023 edition.
MSc MA Monika Bonnet – The Founder and Director of Promed Aesthetic Clinic and Academy, and mum to two amazing boys.
Prior to my career in Aesthetic Medicine I was a qualified Psychoterapist.
My intrigue of human behaviour has established my passion of people. I loved exploring human minds and understanding why we think and act the way we do. To this day I use my soft skills and a deep understanding of my patients psychology when consulting for any kind of aesthetic or cosmetic treatments.
I qualified in Aesthetic Medicine and Adult Nursing, dedicating my time as a lecturer in the field of Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology where I got the opportunity to discuss topics I am passionate about. I continue to regularly participate in aesthetic conferences around the world and publish papers in the study and treatment of Aesthetic Medicine. With my continued dedication and contribution to Aesthetic Medicine, I took the brave decision to start my own business. In 2000 I founded Promed Aesthetic Clinic and Academy – focused on providing high-end, individually tailored, non-surgical aesthetic treatments backed by science and knowledge. I help my patients reverse the effects of ageing and sun damage by treating lines, volume loss, scarring, excessive sweating, hyper-pigmentation, hair loss and many other skin concerns.
The Academy offers face-to-face Medical and Aesthetic courses for complete beginners as well as healthcare professionals. At Promed, the teaching program is always of the highest standard possible and the aim is for all the students to feel entirely confident upon completion of their training, so that they can progress to build a successful aesthetics business of their own.
On occasion, I host educational webinars available to anyone interested in Aesthetic Medicine. This enables me to connect with people from anywhere in the world, share experiences, opinions and build relationships. With the support of my loved ones, I am able to put my heart and soul into my business, ensuring l continue to deliver top quality procedures and education to my clients.
Sukces kreowania własnej marki w UK Determinacja i wiedza doprowadziły nasze bohaterki do miejsca, gdzie są teraz i prezentują dumnie efekt swojej długoterminowej strategicznej pracy.
Młody wygląd jest postawą do samozadowolenia i akceptacji środowiska naukowcy publikują, iż na tego typu zabiegi decyduje się coraz więcej kobiet w każdym wieku. Przed
Problemem w życiu jest stres, brak czasu oraz zła interpretacja tego co nas dookoła otacza. Wszyscy, którzy żyją w schemacie rutyny mogą zapłacić za szczęście
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